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Checkers Deluxe Edition

Checkers Deluxe Edition is a classic game that requires each player to have their own strategy to destroy every move of the opponent and become the chess master.

Checkers Deluxe Edition gameplay

To control the chess pieces in Checkers Deluxe Edition, you just need to click on the chess piece you want to move and click again on the place you want to place the chess piece, so the chess piece will move in the direction you want to place.

Your goal when playing this game is to block all the moves of the opponent, at the same time capture all the chess pieces that the opponent owns, only then will you become an invincible chess master.

Game mode

In Checkers Deluxe Edition, there will be two game modes that you can choose to play and challenge. Each mode will bring you its own interesting things when playing.

Play mode with bot

When you are new to chess, you will often choose this game mode to practice and develop your playing skills. This mode will train you in chess thinking skills, distracting enemies, as well as knowing how to completely capture the opponent's chess pieces.

Play with friends mode

Once you have become a master through the bot mode, you can challenge your friends to compete to see who is the better player. Take advantage of all the skills you have trained to block every move of your friend and capture all of your chess pieces to win absolute victory. Only then will your friends admire your top talent.

How to become a chess master

Block all directions of your opponent

One of the ways to help you conquer Checkers Deluxe Edition is to block all directions of your opponent, forcing them into a corner without giving them the opportunity to move forward. Because their chess pieces are surrounded by your own chess pieces. Only then when there is no more move to make, they will surrender and you will win absolutely.

Distract your opponent's direction

When playing, never just focus on eating the opponent's pieces, but come up with reasonable strategies such as distracting them so that they do not know the direction you are going. When distracting them, you can not only eat one piece but also eat countless pieces of theirs at the same time.

Control well in every move

When playing, focus on observing all the pieces you own and also observe the opponent's pieces to know what state your pieces are in, whether they are being suppressed by the opponent or not, or whether there is any opportunity to capture the opponent's pieces or not. Controlling every move will be an opportunity for you to gain the upper hand when playing.